Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mount Ararat is located in Eastern Turkey on the borders of Iran, Armenia (formerly U.S.S.R.), and Nakchivan. This volcanic mountain rises 5,165 meters or 16,945 feet high, far above the plains that are at 2,000-3,000 feet high, and is the highest location in the ancient kingdom of Urartu, a region which covered thousands of square miles with hundreds of mountains. Ararat is the newer Armenian name of Urartu from the Hebrew Torah written by Moses (c. 1406-1446 BC) which only included the consonants "rrt". However, the translators of the Bible replaced the "rrt" with the later name, "Ararat" or "Armenia." The Assyrians wrote about battles against the Urartian tribes from the thirteenth century BC until the sixth century BC when Urartu was destroyed by the Medes. The name Urartu then vanished from history (until archaeologists re-discovered it in the 1800s) and was replaced by Ararat and Armenia in the vicinity as well as in English Bible translations, maps, etc. As history went on in the first and second millenia AD, the mountain became known as Ararat and the region as Armenia. Many people believe that Mount Ararat is the place where Noah's Ark landed but the Bible does not state this. It simply says that the boat landed in the Urartian mountains, of which there are hundreds, although Ararat is the highest and is the only one with a permanent ice cap, which is around 17 square miles in size. Since Mount Ararat is the highest location in Urartu, some people throughout history have jumped to the unproven conclusion that it was the landing place and promoted that concept as a regional tradition.

Mount Ararat may be the largest single-mass or volume mountain in the world as it is huge (one really has to see it in person to appreciate its immensity) and rises to 17,000 feet from the plains surrounding it at 2,000-3,000 feet while most other large mountains are in a mountain range with less differential and base circumference. Ararat has only a few native trees growing on it in Ahora village, shrubs around Korhan, and several small forests on Little Ararat. Views differ as to whether Ararat formed much of its size after the flood (post-flood) or partially during the flood with post-flood uplift and lava flows as some geologists like creationist Clifford Burdick have found pillow lava (lava spewed into water, ice, or snow) up to the 14,000-foot level where the ice cap typically begins. Geologists believe that cylindrical and very steep mountains like Little Ararat show that it is most probably a post-flood mountain. There are also claims of fossils and sedimentary layers on Greater Ararat but these claims have not been backed up with concrete evidence as of this date although there are fossils in the Ararat valley limestones. From 14,000 feet to 17,000 feet, much of the lava is covered by an ice cap which is about 17 square miles in size and is up to 350 feet deep. As computed by ArcImaging, the coordinates that cover the ice cap area on Mount Ararat are N 39 degrees 41' to N 39 degrees 44', E 44 degrees 15' 30" to E 44 degrees 19' 30". The area of this rectangle is about 31.6 square kilometers.

The Mount Ararat region along with the Araxes river valley constitutes a possible beginning location for the archaeology of the Early Transcaucasian culture with its distinctive red-black burnished ware. There are a number of Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age archaeological sites around Mount Ararat in Turkey, Armenia, and Nakchivan. Archaeologists would like to research this area more but the border region is difficult to get permission to research as well as the border breaks up the research area into separate nations... However, ArcImaging was able to secure permission in 2001 for the first archaeological survey of Mount Ararat since the 1980s. The Mount Ararat Archaeological Survey co-authored by Ataturk University Archaeology Professors in Erzurum, Turkey and Rex Geissler of ArcImaging was published in the Summer 2008 Edition of Bible and Spade by Associates for Biblical Research (ABR).

Since the upper reaches of this volcanic mountain are covered with broken lava rock everywhere and are currently extremely difficult to ascend or descend, its present state makes it a poor location for Noah's Ark to land and for all the animals to easily descend. Some have wondered if the mountain was lower after the flood and then was uplifted later on with more volcanic activity around the parasitic cones similar to Little Ararat. Yet, Mount Ararat has the bulk of the purported eyewitnesses of the boat-like structure since 1850. These "alleged" eyewitnesses are a primary reason why the search should continue on the mountain.

Given the extensive research which has taken place on Mount Ararat, it seems fair to say that if Noah's Ark ever survived into modern times and is somewhere on Ararat, there are few new places remaining on the mountain to search. There have been many expeditions, accounts, alleged sightings, anomalies, and claims of discovery involving Mount Ararat. What is lacking is any scientific evidence or photo that shows that Noah's Ark survived until today. However, one should also consider the possibility that Noah's Ark landed on Mount Ararat and was subsequently destroyed, which is the possibility alluded to in the article Even If Noah’s Ark Is Not Proven, Noah’s Ark Still Could Have Landed On Mount Ararat.
Given all the ground and aerial expeditions (and one with sophisticated mapping capabilities), one should surmise that if the remains of Noah's Ark are indeed on Mount Ararat, they are not in plain view; if the boat is there, it must be buried. There have been 2 attempts that used sub-surface Radar (Ground Penetrating Radar - GPR) technology on Mount Ararat to look under the ice. The 1988 Willis expedition and the 1989 Aaron/Garbe/Corbin expedition used GPR. The 1988 Willis expedition successfully surveyed the eastern summit plateau and the saddle area between the two peaks, concluding there were no Ark remains under the ice. The 1989 expedition was not as successful as the preceding year, where a less-capable GPR system was used in temperate (melting) ice cap conditions on the western plateau of Mount Ararat. However, they were able to determine the ice depth on the western plateau and scale the size of the Ark.
If the remains of Noah's Ark were in moving ice on Mount Ararat (there is only one legitimate glacier, the Black Glacier, though there are other moving ice flows like the so-called Parrot Glacier), the Ark would have been ground to bits. ArcImaging contends that until the entire mountain has been adequately "sub-surface" surveyed using the latest remote sensing technology, some people such as the alleged eyewitnesses contended that the Ararat ice cap contains the remains of Noah's Ark since about 90% of the supposed eyewitnesses claim that the boat was sticking out of the ice even though the explorers over the past 50 years did not see the same boat-like structure.
as you can see, there is many of ararat exploration regarding search of noah ark. you can find the list of searching on this link :
This is also the summary of eyewitness of the noah ark - ararat mistery :
This is also several documentarion on ararat discovery :
· 275 BC - Berossus reporting on the history of Babylonia, claims that pilgrims went up a mountain in Armenia to carve amulets from the petrified pitch that covers the Ark.
· 30 BC - Hieronymous mentions remains of Noah's Ark
· 1st Century AD - Nicholas of Damascus mentions remains of Noah's Ark
· 50 AD - Josephus mentions remains of Noah's Ark 3 times.
· 315? - 403 AD - Epiphanius report that remains of the Ark are on a mountain in the Gordian mountains.
· 349 - 407 AD Chrysostom mentions remains of Noah's Ark
· 4th Century AD - Faustus of Byzantium reports the experiences of a bishop who traveled to the region of "Gortouk" to see the ark.
· 560 - 636 AD Isidore of Seville mentions remains of Noah's Ark
· 620 AD - According to Hussein El Macin of Baghdad, Roman Emperor Heraclius visits the remains of the Ark after conquering the Persian city of Themanin.
· 1254 AD - Haithon refers to Mt. Ararat as the resting place of Noah's Ark.
· 1255 AD - Guillaume of Ruysbroeck tells of the devout Jacob of Medzpin's adventure on Ararat and his answered prayer to see the Ark.
· 13th Century AD - Marco Polo mentions in his book The Travels of Marco Polo the Ark was still resting on the summit of Mt. Ararat.
· 1647 AD - Adam Olearius' Voyage and Travels of the Ambassadors relates Armenian and Persian stories of the petrified Ark.
· 1820 (?) AD - Explorer Claudius James Rich writes that one Aga Hussein has seen the remains of the Ark.
· 1829 AD - Dr. Friedrich Parrot makes the first modern ascent of Greater Ararat. He visits the ancient St. James Monastery ( also known as St. Jacob Monastery ), that was destroyed in the 1840 eruption of Mt. Ararat.
· 1854 AD - Haji Yearam and his father lead three British scientists up Ararat to the Ark remains.
· 1878 AD - Viscount James Bryce climbs Ararat as recounted in his book Transcaucasia and Ararat. He finds old hand-tooled timber on this treeless mountain.
· 1883 AD - Turkish Commisioners investigate severe Ararat avalanches and report seeing the preserved but battered Ark structure. Locals claimed the remains were visible for six years. ( Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, July 28, 1883 ) ( Chicago Tribune, August 10, 1883 ) ( New York Herald, August 10, 1883 ).. ( New York World, August 13, 1883 ).( New York Times, August 15, 1883 ).( The Watchtower, September 1883 )..Considered the most complete and accurate account appeared in the British Prophetic Messenger in the summer of 1883. ( Click on Turkish Commisioners for the full story )
· 1887 AD - John Joseph, Prince of Nouri, Archbishop and Grand Apostolic Ambassador of Malabar, India and Persia, makes three attempts to climb Ararat. He claims a sighting near the saddle between the peaks. Suggest the Ark be sent to the Chicago World's fair.
· 1908 ? AD - George Hagopian climbs Ararat with his uncle and reports seeing and climbs onto the preserved Ark.
· 1916 - 1917 AD - Czar Nicholas II sends an expedition of 150 men to map Ararat and document Ark. Revolution erupts and evidence disappears.
· 1936 AD - New Zealander Hardwidke Knight finds very old hand tooled timbers high on Ararat.
· 1942 AD - American soldier Ray Lubeck views Ark in a 30 - 120 second film clip on Midway Island in 1942.
· 1943 AD - American soldier Ed Davis glimpses huge broken Ark sections in Ahora Gorge.
· 1944 AD - American soldier Vince Will views Ark from plane on Mt. Ararat
· 1945 AD - American soldier aka - Caleb views Ark from plane on Mt. Ararat
· 1946 AD - American soldier Charlie McCallen views Ark in a 30 - 60 second news reel in a movie theater in Jackson Tennessee.
· 1948 AD - Farmer Shakru Arsent tells newspaper of farmer named Reshit seeing petrified remains of a ship-like structure high on Ararat.
· 1953 - 1955 AD - William Todd was a photographer's in Turkey who claims to have seen Noah's Ark many times while flying over Mt. Ararat.
· 1956 - 1957 AD - Herb Knee views Ark in a 60 - 120 second news reel in a movie theater in Winchester Tennessee. [ Herb's Drawings of what he saw. ]
· 1964 AD - Retired Air Force Master Sergeant E8 claims to see wood structure on Mt. Ararat.
· 1968 AD - David Duckworth claims as a Smithsonian volunteer he saw ark artifacts from Mt. Ararat.
· 1969 -1970 AD - Lt. Col. Walter D. Hunter was shown photos of what allegedly was Noah's Ark.
· 1992 - 1993 AD - Rolando Reyna watched a Saturday night newscast which showed film footage of Noah's Ark on Ararat on a Mexican City Broadcast.
Most people think Noah and his family were in the Ark for 40 days and nights. This is common, but look at the chart below and the Scriptures that follow, you will see that it was a little longer than 40 days and nights.
It was actually 378 days.
7 + 40 + 110 + 74 + 40 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 29 + 57 = 378 Days Total

Noah enters ark 7 days before deluge begins* ( Gen: 7: 10 ). Deluge begins in the 600th year of Noahs life, the 2nd month, the 17th day. ( Gen: 7: 11 ) One year later ( a year consisting of 360 days ) was the 17th day, 2nd month 601st year of Noah's life. Ten days after that would be the 27th day of the 2nd month, when they came out; a total of 370 days, ( *plus the 7 days before the deluge began ) =
378 days, spent in the ark. ( Gen: 8: 15 - 17 )
Note : Noah used the lunar calender in which he calculated months to equal 30 days. This is made certain when 150 days is said to equal five months. ( Gen: 8: 3 - 4 )
Gen: 7: 6 - 9 - The animals going in were male and female of every living thing,
as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in.
Gen: 7:10 - And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth.
Gen: 7:11 - In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
Gen: 7:17 - For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the
waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth.
Gen: 8: 3 - 4 - The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the
hundred and fifty days the water had gone down, and on the
seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.
Gen: 8: 5 - The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the
first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible. { 74 days later }
Gen: 8: 6 - 7 - After forty days Noah opened the window he had made in the ark and sent out a raven,
and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.
Gen: 8: 8 -Later he sent out a dove ( most likely seven days later) ( implications of 7 days are noted
because of verse 10 were it is stated that he waited ANOTHER 7 DAYS to send the dove out again. )
to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground.
Gen: 8: 10 - 11 - And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out from the ark.
Then the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, a freshly plucked olive leaf was in her mouth;
and Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth.
Gen: 8: 12 - So he waited yet another seven days and sent out the dove, which did not return again to him anymore.
Gen: 8: 13 - By the first day of the first month of Noah's six hundred and first year, the water had dried
up from the earth. Noah then removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry. { 29 days later }
Gen: 8: 14 - 16 - By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry.
Then God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives.
{ 57 days later }
378 Days Total in Ark
Here also link to see information about noah ark :
From : many source.
Enjoy.... Stv
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