Thursday, August 21, 2008

Allegedly, in the fall of 1943 a U.S. Navy destroyer was made invisible and teleported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Norfolk, Virginia, in an incident known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Records in the Operational Archives Branch of the Naval Historical Center have been repeatedly searched, but no documents have been located which confirm the event, or any interest by the Navy in attempting such an achievement.
The ship involved in the experiment was supposedly the USS Eldridge. Operational Archives has reviewed the deck log and war diary from Eldridge's commissioning on 27 August 1943 at the New York Navy Yard through December 1943. The following description of Eldridge's activities are summarized from the ship's war diary. After commissioning, Eldridge remained in New York and in the Long Island Sound until 16 September when it sailed to Bermuda. From 18 September, the ship was in the vicinity of Bermuda undergoing training and sea trials until 15 October when Eldridge left in a convoy for New York where the convoy entered on 18 October. Eldridge remained in New York harbor until 1 November when it was part of the escort for Convoy UGS-23 (New York Section). On 2 November the convoy entered Naval Operating Base, Norfolk. On 3 November, Eldridge and Convoy UGS-23 left for Casablanca where it arrived on 22 November. On 29 November, Eldridge left as one of escorts for Convoy GUS-22 and arrived with the convoy on 17 December at New York harbor. Eldridge remained in New York on availability training and in Block Island Sound until 31 December when it steamed to Norfolk with four other ships. During this time frame, Eldridge was never in Philadelphia.
Eldridge's complete World War II action report and war diary coverage, including the remarks section of the 1943 deck log, is available on microfilm, NRS-1978-26. The cost of a duplicate film is indicated on the fee schedule. To order a duplicate film, please complete the duplication order form and send a check or money order for the correct amount as indicated on the NHC fee schedule, made payable to the Department of the Navy, to the Operational Archives, at the above address.
Supposedly, the crew of the civilian merchant ship SS Andrew Furuseth observed the arrival via teleportation of the Eldridge into the Norfolk area. Andrew Furuseth's movement report cards are in the Tenth Fleet records in the custody of the Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Admnistration, (8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001), which also has custody of the action reports, war diaries and deck logs of all World War II Navy ships, including Eldridge. The movement report cards list the merchant ship's ports of call, the dates of the visit, and convoy designation, if any. The movement report card shows that Andrew Furuseth left Norfolk with Convoy UGS-15 on 16 August 1943 and arrived at Casablanca on 2 September. The ship left Casablanca on 19 September and arrived off Cape Henry on 4 October. Andrew Furuseth left Norfolk with Convoy UGS-22 on 25 October and arrived at Oran on 12 November. The ship remained in the Mediterranean until it returned with Convoy GUS-25 to Hampton Roads on 17 January 1944. The Archives has a letter from Lieutenant Junior Grade William S. Dodge, USNR, (Ret.), the Master of Andrew Furuseth in 1943, categorically denying that he or his crew observed any unusual event while in Norfolk. Eldridge and Andrew Furuseth were not even in Norfolk at the same time.
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) has stated that the use of force fields to make a ship and her crew invisible does not conform to known physical laws. ONR also claims that Dr. Albert Einstein's Unified Field Theory was never completed. During 1943-1944, Einstein was a part-time consultant with the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance, undertaking theoretical research on explosives and explosions. There is no indication that Einstein was involved in research relevant to invisibility or to teleportation. ONR's information sheet on the Philadelphia Experiment is attached.
The Philadelphia Experiment has also been called "Project Rainbow." A comprehensive search of the Archives has failed to identify records of a Project Rainbow relating to teleportation or making a ship disappear. In the 1940s, the code name RAINBOW was used to refer to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. The RAINBOW plans were the war plans to defeat Italy, Germany and Japan. RAINBOW V, the plan in effect on 7 December 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, was the plan the U.S. used to fight the Axis powers.
Some researchers have erroneously concluded that degaussing has a connection with making an object invisible. Degaussing is a process in which a system of electrical cables are installed around the circumference of ship's hull, running from bow to stern on both sides. A measured electrical current is passed through these cables to cancel out the ship's magnetic field. Degaussing equipment was installed in the hull of Navy ships and could be turned on whenever the ship was in waters that might contain magnetic mines, usually shallow waters in combat areas. It could be said that degaussing, correctly done, makes a ship "invisible" to the sensors of magnetic mines, but the ship remains visible to the human eye, radar, and underwater listening devices.
After many years of searching, the staff of the Operational Archives and independent researchers have not located any official documents that support the assertion that an invisibility or teleportation experiment involving a Navy ship occurred at Philadelphia or any other location.
28 November 2000
The Philadelphia Experiment
'the Invisible Ship Experiment'
by Alex Saunders for Search Magazine
During the Second World War, all participant countries were looking for a way to end hostilities quickly, no matter how fantastic the manner. If some unorthodox or revolutionary invention could do the trick, all the better, as long as the war terminated triumphantly for them.
The U.S. Navy, for one, seemed obsessed with the idea of the perfect camouflage - the ultimate secret weapon - INVISIBILITY. If only one of their warships could be made invisible, think of the havoc it could cause the enemy. Havoc that could conceivably bring the bitter and long-enduring war to an end.
On October 28, 1943, an experiment was conducted at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. This event, appropriately enough, became known as "The Philadelphia Experiment".
A Navy escort destroyer named the DE 173 (better known as the U.S.S. Eldridge), with hundreds of tons of electronic equipment aboard, lay in its dock. Scientists on shore started the experiment which involved Dr. Albert Einstein's "Unified Field Theory", a completed version appearing in the period 1925-27. "Withdrawn" as incomplete, the revised theory returned in 1940. The result of the experiment was brain-rattling!
The ship faded rapidly from sight in a foggy, green mist - and COMPLETELY VANISHED! Speechless amazement struck the wide-eyed scientists ashore.
Then, after a few minutes (another account makes that "seconds"), the ship reappeared where it had formerly been, to its Philadelphia dock, and regained its visibility! But that was not all. Something equally stunning was discovered to have happened during its vanishment.
During that period of a few minutes (or seconds) the ship had shown up at its other Norfolk Navy Yard dock in Virginia! So, not only had it successfully become invisible, but it had also been TELEPORTED!
With the ship's disappearance, so had everything aboard disappeared. EVERYTHING! The many hundreds of tons of scientific equipment, furniture, food, etc. - and ALL PERSONNEL SUCH AS SAILORS AND OFFICERS!
More than half of them went insane due to the effects of pulsating energy fields and were quietly confined to mental institutions. Our report has it that "they were kept at Bethesda Naval Hospital out of communication with everybody for the duration of the war."
Then there were those who, discharged as mentally unfit for further service, were pensioned off and sworn to secrecy. Several died. Others recovered, but at what a price!
Never were they to regain their former normalcy. True, the invisibility experiment fo the Navy ship was a total success, but to the men aboard, severe after-effects both physical and mental made it a real disaster.
Some saw double, became invisible, laughed and staggered drunkenly, fainted, caught on fire to burn for days on end, walked through solid walls, disappeared temporarily and permanently, and worse.
Worse a thousandfold because they could either "Go Blank" or "Get Stuck". The former, a not-too-unpleasant after effect due to being too long insided the force-field, caused invisibility. To "Get Stuck" was a side effect that kept the unfortunate from moving on his own volition, a truly Hell-on-Earth experience.
He would remain transfixed unless two or more of the others withing the fields quickly touched him. If not, he would lapse into "Deep Freeze", which was definitely NOT psychological.
Now his position must be marked out carefully with the force-field cutoff. Unable to move, and unaware of time as we know it, his "unfreezing" could occur in an hour or so only if another fellow- sufferer approached him and touched his face or bare skin. Or it could take twenty-four hours. In one case it took SIX MONTHS!
To do the job of "unfreezing" required the construction of highly complicated equipment. But should he be "frozen" for more than a day, he would usually go mad - "stark raving, gibbering, running mad!"
If, within the vicinity of the Philadelphia Navy Yard a group of sailors were seen to be putting their hands on another sailor, or upon "thin air", an enlightened observer would know what was going on.
Quoting from Moore's book, page 130 :
"The experiment...had been accomplished by using naval-type magnetic generators, known as DEGAUSSERS, which were 'pulsed' at resonant frequencies so as to 'create a tremendous magnetic field on and around a docked vessel.'"
Predictably, the Office of the Naval Information has consistently denied the force-field experiment based on Einstein's Unified Field Theory, and will send standard form letters of denial, curtly worded, to anyone requesting information.
Despite this, succeeding issues of the November, 1967 issue of SAGA magazine contained letters stoutly affirming the secret U.S. experiment.
Some were written by sailors and officers who claimed to have actually been aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge during that time in October, 1943. Another claimant was the mother of a crew member who was put in an insane asylum as a result, and who remains there still. And so on.
When the experimental Navy ship was invisibly teleported from Philadelphia to Norfolk, the period of time that transpired was, let us say, minutes-long, though as stated previously, some accounts declare it was done within seconds.
Question : Where did the vessel vanish INTO before its visible reappearance in Virginia?
Another dimension would be the most logical answer, and one that was obviously LIVEABLE. It had to be liveable for the simple reason that all the men aboard returned once more to the ship's original berth in Philadelphia, not dead (as a poisonous atmosphere would have positively left them), but very much alive.
We come now to two other great mysteries, UFOs and.....Well, first, I would ask the reader of this article to take a paper map of the world.
Spread it on a flat surface. After drawing a line from Miami, Florida, to Puerto Rica, draw another line to Bermude and back again to Miami.
What you will now have is a vast, watery triangle of the famous "Bermude Triangle" wherein ships and planes (along with all those aboard) have inexplicably disappeared. And it may very well be that there is a definite connection between the three - the Philadelphia Experiment project, UFO's and the Bermuda Triangle.
Furthermore, as the ships in the Bermuda Triangle disappeared, survivors and witnesses have reported a related sight. The ships were ENCIRCLED BY A CLOUD-LIKE MIST, GREEN IN COLOR - PRECISELY the way the U.S.S. Eldridge was alleged to have vanished!
Does this then mean that the "place" into which the above disappeared is the very same "place" where ships and planes of the Bermuda Triangle disappeared? That is, through "doorways" into another dimensional world in time and space?
Entering such a habitat was the hair-raising claim made by some of the crew of the U.S.S. Eldridge on their return from being teleported. Not only that, but they swore that while there they had SEEN, and TALKED, to ALIENS!
From Moore's book, page 68, are these chilling words:
"Presumably, if a vessel could be projected into another space or energy continuum through mistake or design, it might also be possible that its occupants could encounter entities on the other side of the curtain of invisibility, shrouding contiguous but nontangent worlds. It is intriguing to concieve the possibility that an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Navy may have accidentally managed to pass through a doorway into another world more than thirty-five years ago and that the experiment and the results have been kept a closely guarded secret ever since."
So, can this other "place" be the home, or origin, of the elusive UFO's?
For these vari-shaped craft have been observed in the skies of the Bermuda Triangle, not a few times, but many, many times.
THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT is not without discrepancies. Make no mistake about that. More than one are to be found, but with a subject as explosively stunning and momentous as the one in William L. Moore's book, this is to be expected. Take these examples:
Regarding the time period of the U.S.S. Eldridge's teleportation, some reports say it was a matter of SECONDS (see pages 24, 128 and 249), while other reports claim it was measured in MINUTES (see pages 47, 89, 110 and 135).
Some reports claim the October 28, 1943 experiment occurred while the ship was docked in Philadelphia (see pages 130 and 131). Other reports statethe experiment was conducted AWAY from the dock, out at sea (se pages 110 and 143).
To add to the confusion comes a claim that there was more than one experiment, with one taking place at dockside, the other at sea (see page 250).
The copy of the Navy's form letter of denial is odd in that it contains errors in spelling and grammar (see pages 134, 135 and 136). This from the powerful and literate U.S. government! Surely a top government agency does not issue sloppily composed forms? Also, in it is the statement that Einstein never completed his Unified Field Theory. Yet elsewhere in the book mention is made that the theory was finally revised and completed (see page 150).
The claim is made (see page 56) that "some few people can somehow tell you a man's name and his home address UNDER HYPNOSIS EVEN THOUGH NEVER HAVING EVER MET OR SEEN THIS PERSON" is just too incredible to believe.
So much of men's existence depends on his ability to recollect and recognize past experiences. He cannot make it through a day without this basic ability. Consequently, how could a person give an individual's name, address, etc. when that person has never met the individual before?
In spite of the foregoing discrepancies - and there are more - I would urge the very sober reading of William L. Moore's electrifying book, THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT, which contains much more than my brief outline has indicated. Richly detailed and including many impressive photographs, I believe it is of paramount importance and should never - NEVER! - be ignored.
"THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT" by Bill Moore - Published by Fawcett Crest
Ship's myth keeps reappearing
The legend says the Eldridge vanished briefly in 1943.
By Lacy McCrary
ATLANTIC CITY -- The truth is out here. It is in a hospitality room of
a boardwalk hotel, with some old salts sitting around white-clothed
tables laughing at reports that their ship was involved in a
top-secret World War II experiment.
Sailors who served on the USS Eldridge, the ship that legend says
vanished briefly in 1943 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, met here this
week for their first reunion in 53 years and spent part of their time
joking about the so-called Philadelphia Experiment.
The Eldridge, they said yesterday, may well have been invisible to
Philadelphia because it was never in Philadelphia.
The ship's log and several veterans who were on the ship from its
launching on July 25, 1943, at Port Newark, N.J., say it called on
many East Coast ports, but never Philadelphia.
Two movies, two books and several Web sites have kept the myth about
the Eldridge alive. As the story goes, the destroyer escort was
surrounded by a greenish fog, disappeared for a few minutes, then
But none of the veterans believes it.
"I think it's somebody's pipe dream," said Ed Wise, 74, of Salem, Ind.
Ted Davis, 72, of Grand Island, Neb., was more emphatic. "It never
happened," he said.
Bill Van Allen, 84, who was executive officer and then captain of the
Eldridge in 1943 and 1944, said he never saw any sign of experiments
aboard the ship. "I have not the slightest idea how these stories got
started," said Van Allen of Charlotte, N.C.
These former sailors said they sometimes had fun pretending the
experiment actually occurred. "When people would ask me about it, I
would play along with them and tell them I disappeared. After a while
they realized I was pulling their legs," said Ray Perrino, 72, of
Cranston, R.I.
None of the 15 at the reunion could explain why writers picked their
ship, out of the thousands that sailed in the war, as the site of
invisibility experiments.
Frankly, some are tired of being asked about it.
"We can't wait to put it to rest. We can't because it keeps coming
up," Davis said. "I'm still asked about it now, mostly by younger
"I have a Pennsylvania auto license DE-173 [ the designation and
number of the Eldridge ] , and every once in a while somebody will
stop and ask me if it was really true," said Mike Perlstein, 72, of
"I tell them I know nothing about it. I've seen the movie, and it's a
good movie, but there's no truth to it," Perlstein said.
The Navy said it had received so many inquiries through the years
about the Philadelphia Experiment -- the title of a 1984 movie, a 1993
sequel and two books -- that it prepared and sends out a fact sheet.
The Navy said the myth dated to 1955 with the publication of The Case
for UFO's by the late Morris K. Jessup. It said Jessup later received
letters from a Carlos Miguel Allende, who gave a New Kensington, Pa.,
address, and claimed he witnessed the ship becoming invisible from
another vessel. Allende also said the ship was "teleported" to and
from Norfolk, Va., in a few minutes with some terrible aftereffects
for crew members.
Questions about the experiment probably arose from "quite routine"
research at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard during the war, according
to the Navy fact sheet.
"It was believed the foundation for the apocryphal stories arose from
degaussing [ demagnetizing ] experiments which have the effect of
making a ship undetectable or 'invisible' to magnetic mines," the Navy
But the Navy said it had never conducted invisibility experiments,
either in 1943 or at any other time.
The legend says the ship became invisible on July 22, 1943, but ship
records and the veterans say it was not launched until July 25. The
second experiment, in which the Eldridge was sent to Norfolk and back
to Philadelphia, was supposed to have occurred on Oct. 28, 1943. The
ship's log says it was at the Brooklyn Navy Yard on that date, but did
spend two days in the Norfolk Navy Yard in November 1943.
The gray-haired men, some wearing baseball caps with "USS Eldridge"
printed on them, chuckled as they ribbed one another about the mental
problems the crew supposedly suffered from the experiments.
"The only part of the book I think is true is the part about the crew
being a little crazy," said Ed Tempany, 75, of Carteret, N.J. He
referred to The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility by
William L. Moore in consultation with Charles Berlitz.
"When I get home I'm going to apply for disability," Perrino said,
with a smile.
"Beam me up, Scotty," said Tempany.
©1999 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.
Eksperimen Philadelphia
Menurut teori Albert Einstein, mengatakan bahwa dalam perhitungan-perhitungan ilmiah, manusia tidak hanya berurusan dengan tinggi, lebar dan panjang; melainkan juga dengan satu dimensi lain, yaitu waktu. Sebuah teori Einstein menyatakan bahwa konsep ruang waktu dan energi materi bukanlah dua kesatuan yang terpisah sama sekali. Keduanya bisa terjalin dalam keadaan tertentu. Dan kalau itu benar-benar terjadi, tidaklah mustahil benda bisa muncul dan lenyap secara mendadak, seakan-seakan mengalami proses dematerialisasi. Di mana proses pelenyapan pesawat terbang, kapal dan lainnya di Segitiga Bermuda tidak lain karena peristiwa ini.
Mungkin teori Einstein itu terlalu membingungkan. Penguraian teori yang rumit tersebut adalah sebagai berikut. Suatu muatan listrik pada sebuah kumparan tentu akan menciptakan medan magnetik tertentu yang menuruti arah kedua bidang tegak dan mendatar. Dengan jalan ini, mungkin sebuah medan lain (gravitasi?) dapat diciptakan menurut prinsip resonansi. Caranya ialah dengan menggantungkan sebuah generator elektromagnetik sedemikian rupa sehingga menciptakan pulsa-pulsa magnetik. Medan yang terjadi tersebut akan mengadakan “penyatuan” dengan kedua medan tegak dan mendatar itu.
Kalau kita mengembangkan pelaksanaan teori Einstein tentang “Unified Field” (penyatuan medan) yang menyatukan medan gravitasi dan elektromagnetik ke dalam teori ruang waktu, maka medan magnetik kalau cukup kuat akan dapat meyebabkan barang/benda atau manusia berubah dimensi dan menjadi tak tampak. Pandangan teori “Unified Field” kemudian disamakan dengan peristiwa segitiga bermuda. Dengan kata lain, kita pasti akan dapat membuat sebuah alat yang diinginkan oleh para penghayal yaitu “mesin waktu”.
Sekarang marilah kita mencoba mengikuti eksperimen Philadelphia. Secara tak sengaja Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat menemukan praktek penyatuan medan ini ketika mengadakan percobaan rahasia di sebuah kapal perusak pada tahun 1943 (ketika masih Perang Dunia II). Karena percobaan dilaksanakan di Philadelphia, maka kemudian eksperimen ini lebih dikenal sebagai Percobaan Philadelphia.
Tujuan intinya adalah menyelidiki pengaruh medan magnetik terhadapa kapal laut dan seisinya. Dua buah generator, yang satu menghasilkan pulsa magnetik dan yang satu tidak dihidupkan bersama-sama sehingga tercipta medan magnetik diatas dan disekeliling kapal. Hasilnya memang mengejutkan dan memang sangat penting, meskipun menimbulkan akibat buruk pada awak kapalnya.
Ketiga eksperimen mulai dijalankan, tampak suatu sinar kehijauan samar-samar. Perlu diketahui, bahwa laporan dari orang yang selamat dari Segitiga Bermuda, mengatakan menyaksikan kabut kehijauan. Peristiwa selanjutnya yang terjadi ialah seluruh kapal kemudian terselimuti kabut hujau dan akhirnya kapal bersama awaknya menghilang dari pandangan pengamat dan hanya garis permukaan laut yang kelihatan. Kapal itu tampak dan menghilang lagi, tampak dan menghilang lagi di daerah Norfolk, Virginia. Jadi percobaan itu dapat dikatakan sesuai dengan teori Unified Field.
Menurut seorang bekas awak kapal perusak itu, percobaan berhasil baik di lautan. Mereka telah berhasil menciptakan “ruang waktu” berbentuk spiral. Ruang waktu itu mempunyai radius sampai seratus yard atau 91 meter dari pusat pancaran magnetik, yang artinya setiap benda, manusia bila berada dalam radius itu akan lenyap dari pandangan, tetapi masih mungkin dapat diraba. Ketika kapal itu lenyap dari pemandangan, hanya lekukan kapal pada permukaan air yang tertindih kapal itu yang kelihatan. Semakin diperkuat gaya medan magnetik, mengakibatkan manusiapun turut lenyap, dan untuk dapat diketemukan, harus dengan jalan rabaan. Mereka baru tampak kembali setelah keluar dari medan magnetik itu. Istilah pelenyapan itu oleh mereka disebut “sedang mencair”.
Memang percobaan itu kelihatan berhasil, tetapi memerlukan korban yang tidak sedikit. Ada orang (awak kapal itu) yang akhir nya meninggal, ada beberapa lagi yang kehilangan ingatan. Tetapi ada juga yang membawa akibat baik. Yaitu ada orang yang indera keenamnya bertambah tajam. Yang lucunya, beberapa orang masih membawa akibat percobaan itu, yaitu kadang-kadang dengan sendirinya lenyap dan muncul lagi, baik di rumah lebih-lebih bila dijalan/dimasyarakat dapat mengejutkan orang yang melihatnya.
Percobaan Philadelpia ini sebenarnya sangat dirahasiakan. Dengan percobaan ini sekaligus diketemukan sebab-sebab kecelakaan di Segitiga Bermuda dan pembuktian teori Einstein “Unified Field” ternyata benar. Einstein sendiri belum pernah mencoba, karena ia telah meninggal dunia. Teori ini entah sengaja atau tidak telah terbukti, sehingga para ilmuwan tidak lagi meragukan. percobaan ini mengingatkan kita pada piring terbang yang menghilang bila sedang terbang. Inipun antara lain disebabkan adanya medan magnetik yang berasal dari piring terbang itu, tentunya tanpa membawa akibat apa-apa bagi awaknya.
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